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Lighthouse Insurance Lawsuit


Patrick White
Patrick L. White

Former President, Chief Executive Officer, and a Director of the Lighthouse Insurance Companies, the former Trustee of Lighthouse Holdings, the Trustee and Chief Executive Manager of the Lighthouse Family Trust, and the Trustee of the Lawrence E. White Family Foundation. Patrick White led negotiations with Plaintiffs and was the primary point of contact to Plaintiffs regarding Lighthouse Entities and the transaction.

Lawrence White and Patrick White
Lawrence E. White

Father of Patrick White. Lawrence White is the former owner of the Lighthouse Insurance Companies, and the principal of the White Family Enterprises. On information and belief, Lawrence White was involved in the founding of One Florida Bank and was an original investor in One Florida Bank.

Tiger Risk


Kyle Menendez
Kyle Menendez

Managing Director of Howden Reinsurance (formally TigerRisk). Involved and representative in TigerRisk’s Fortinbras transaction.

Jarad Madea
Jarad Madea

CEO of Howden Capital Markets & Advisory (formally TigerRisk). Representatives of TigerRisk in the Fortinbras transaction.

Tim Fox
Tim Fox 

Tim Fox is VP of Howden Capital Markets & Advisory (formally TigerRisk). One of TigerRisk’s representatives in the Fortinbras transaction.

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